Korean genre cinema has never shied away from violence; from the unrelenting stream of beatings in I Saw The Devil to the eye-wateringly graphic tooth extraction in Oldboy, blood and brutality have long been a staple of some of the country’s best cinematic achievements. Enter Project Wolf Hunting (2022), a movie so drenched in viscera

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Netflix’s Korean TV selection is continuously demonstrating tremendous choice and that’s most evident from the intense zombie uprising of All of Us Are Dead – following the success of other South Korean zombie media such as Kingdom and Alive. Subgenre fatigue with yet another use of the “Z” word is completely subverted by a worthwhile

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From director Banjong Pisanthanakun and writer Na Hong-jin comes a Thai-Korean, Shudder-exclusive feature exploring the thin line between humans and spirits and what happens to those who cross that line without appropriate psychic protection. Presented as part travel documentary and part found footage, The Medium takes place in Isan, northeastern Thailand. Isan is a region

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Squid Game Review

Hundreds of cash-strapped contestants accept an invitation to compete in children’s games for a tempting prize, but the stakes are deadly. Released less than a month ago, the South Korean television show has skyrocketed to the #1 ranking on Netflix, exceeding the viewership of any other non-English series on the streaming network. For horror fans, it’s

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The Eight Night Korean Horror Review

Konnichiwa! Dia Duit! Wazzup! Straight Outta Kanto here braving the torrential rain and grim humidity of Summer in Ireland to bring you a review of biblical proportions. Originally a casualty of pandemic related delays, Kim Tae-Hyung’s Horror-Mystery The Eight Night has finally been unleashed on Netflix like an archaic curse prophesied in aeons past. If you’re

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review of netflix sweet home

Sweet Home, a South Korean horror TV show based on a webtoon of the same name, is a story about an epidemic that causes humans to transform into horrific monsters, centering on the trapped residents of the Green Home housing complex as they battle to survive. On the surface this is fairly straightforward; a ragtag

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Reading Club is advertised as the first Korean horror comic for girls. That line alone enticed me enough to pick it up over a decade ago from Udon Entertainment. Many of the main characters are female, including an amazing coroner that gives Abbey from NCIS a run for her money. Fans of the Whispering Corridors

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Stoker is one of my favorite films. I’ve watched it over ten times, and insisted that nearly everyone close to me watch it. Immediately upon finishing my first viewing of a library copy, I went online to purchase my own. Directed by Park Chan-wook in his English language debut, Stoker features prolific Hollywood actors such

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2020 has been a turbulent year, with many productions being delayed into 2021, or outright canceled. However, that did not stop some great films from coming out in 2020. Here at the Grimoire we reached out to our writers and contributors of the site and our Facebook pages, The Banshee and The Yurei, and asked

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