Confessions of a Serial Killer is a 1985 American horror thriller, written and directed by Mark Blair. Surprisingly, the film is the only writer/director credit to Mark’s name, never venturing out into filmmaking after the completion of this title. The title was picked up for distribution by King of the B-Movie, Rodger Corman, who delayed

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I first saw Alejandro Jodorowsky’s surreal, bildungsroman film, Santa Sangre, in 1989 on VHS tape. Watching it was like watching a slasher about a killer with a twisted Oedipal Complex that takes place in the slums of Mexico City while on LSD. This unusual and dark fantasy left a powerful impression that 33 years later,

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Thine Ears Shall Bleed is a 2024 American period horror, written and directed by Ben Bigelow, with additional writing from William Bigelow. Previously working as writer and director of the short film The Desert (2018), this is the first feature-length film with Ben in this position. On the other hand, William has worked on numerous

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  Regarded by many as Japan’s answer to Brigitte Bardot — both for her glamorousness and vaguely European looks (she wasn’t actually mixed-race) — Mari Atsumi became one of Japanese cinema’s most prominent sex symbols of the early 1970s. As the daughter of Daiei actors Susumu Atsumi and Reiko Wakamiya, she too joined the studio

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In today’s world of flashy graphics and CGI, audiences have become immune to fantastical horror, pushing some writers to create content to test our boundaries with the extreme. In The Moor (2023), Paul Thomas and director Chris Cronin take us in the opposite direction, back to a place where our hindbrains are triggered to watch

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The Guyver is a 1991 American live-action tokusatsu sci-fi horror, written by Jon Purdy, and directed by Screaming Mad George and Steve Wang. The film is an adaptation of the Japanese manga series Bio Booster Armor Guyver by Yoshiki Takaya. Sean Barker (Jack Armstrong) is a college student who discovers the “Guyver”, an alien mechanical

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Best Wishes to All, also known as Mina ni sachi are, is a 2023 Japanese horror film, written and directed by Yuta Shimotsu. An up-and-coming writer/director, Shimotsu is known as the creator of the short this film is based on, Best Wishes to All (2022), which won Kadokawa’s 2022 Japan Horror Film Competition. A young

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If you ask a Western horror fan, they can probably tell you exactly when they first heard about Hideo Nakata’s cult classic Ringu (1998). Whether it was due to the release of Gore Verbinski’s remake in 2002 or because a rundown copy of the original was passed along between friends, at some point almost all

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  Chris Nash’s In A Violent Nature (2024) will get under your skin and claw at your brain from the inside, leaving you begging to look away, but you won’t. You’ll stick with every moment of this film, literally glued to the maniac’s side, right up until the last drop of blood has been spilled.

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Gorenography is a 2021 documentary hosted by director Tony Newton. The documentary delves deep into the world of extreme cinema, divulging an uncensored, unbridled look at this niche underbelly of cinema. Starring directors who have made some of the most influential (and goriest) films in recent years from around the world, the film features the

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