Johnny Z is a 2023 horror-action feature film directed by Jonathan Straiton. In a world overrun by zombies, an evil corporation profits off of the bitten with a serum that requires weekly treatments to keep them human. A half-human, half-zombie experiment subject escapes the facility and finds himself under the protection of a martial arts
Author: Aubry Norman
Pareidolia is a 2023 short horror film directed by Aaron Truss, whose previous work includes the wonderful full-length documentary Cult of VHS (2022). Amazingly, this newest project was brought to life through crowd-funding, once again showcasing Truss’ love of and deep roots in the genre. The story follows a university lecturer, Sinead Chambers, who thinks
Rage is a 2020 South African folk horror film, originally released as a Showmax original, directed by Jaco Bouwer. It follows five teenagers who have landed in a small coastal town for a huge rave called Rage. What starts as a drug and booze-filled romp turns into a nightmare-fueled battle for survival as they find
One of my current hobbies is searching thrift stores for weird, interesting, or hard-to-find DVDs. With streaming networks dominating the distribution channels, and more and more media disappearing from these networks before ever seeing a hard copy release, I feel somewhat like an archivist hunting for treasure. Albeit, this treasure is not found in majestical
Chloe Love is a struggling actress, best known for playing Ghost Reaper Girl, the main character of a cult horror movie about a high schooler in a blood-soaked bathing suit hunting down evil spirits. These days though she is mostly playing dead bodies, and at 28 she isn’t getting any younger. A former street orphan
One of the crowning glories of the horror film genre is how much can be done with so little. From budget to effects to characters, indie horror films prove time and time again that ingenuity and vision make for great fright, not a crowded screen and a high budget (although it can be magic when
Defining the genre of a film can often get tricky, and many films are overlooked for their genre-bending attributes—especially when those films bend into horror. Labeled a post-apocalyptic sci-fi, A Boy and His Dog is a dark comedy that certainly stumbles into horror territory. This isn’t surprising, considering the original novella the film is based
As a horror reviewer, I spend most of my movie time with new and upcoming releases, so I jumped at the chance to review Second Sight Films’ rerelease of 1958 The Mummy. Admittedly, I haven’t seen most of the classics, in large part due to horror films being banned from my home growing up. By
Slasher and revenge horrors could be said to be two sides of the same coin; in one, you are following the victims, and in the other, you are following (and often cheering on) the killer. Both genres often play with the rural setting, exploring themes of isolation and alienation, themes Carlota Pereda’s film Piggy utilizes
In our modern times, with seemingly endless movie selections available at the touch of a button and in high definition quality, it seems crazy that anyone would anyone choose to collect clunky obsolete media such as VHS. However, across the globe a plethora of people are doing just that, but why? This is the question