Confessions of a Serial Killer (1985) Film Review – I’m Super Cearal

Jim CoxJul 23, 2024
Confessions of a Serial Killer (1985) Film Review – I’m Super Cearal

Confessions of a Serial Killer is a 1985 American horror thriller, written and directed by Mark Blair. Surprisingly, the film is the only writer/director…

Santa Sangre (1989) Film Review – The Circus of Dreams and Nightmares

Michael WilliamsJul 22, 2024
Santa Sangre (1989) Film Review – The Circus of Dreams and Nightmares

I first saw Alejandro Jodorowsky’s surreal, bildungsroman film, Santa Sangre, in 1989 on VHS tape. Watching it was like watching a slasher about a…

Occult Detective Club: Graveyard of Death Dolls (1986) Manga Review- A Chilling Blend of Humor and Horror

Javiera VegaJul 21, 2024
Occult Detective Club: Graveyard of Death Dolls (1986) Manga Review- A Chilling Blend of Humor and Horror

Born in 1946, Hideshi Hino stands out as a prominent Japanese horror artist, dedicating the majority of his life to conjuring various nightmares for…

Panorama of Hell (1984) Manga Review – A Concoction of Abject Horror and Nihilistic Sentimentality

Jim CoxJul 17, 2024
Panorama of Hell cover Starfruit Books

Panorama of Hell is a 1984 Japanese horror one-shot manga, written and illustrated by Hideshi Hino. Known as a master horror mangaka, Hino is…

Daemon Manx’s New Series Is Destined For the Big Screen! The Ojanox – Spoiler Free Book Review and Author Interview

Kate DeJongeJul 16, 2024
Daemon Manx

Hey  Mike Flanagan, we’ve found your next big project! New indie horror authors are crawling out of the woodwork every week, and just like…

Thine Ears Shall Bleed (2024) Film Review – Better The Devil You Know

Jim CoxJul 15, 2024
Thine Ears Shall Bleed (2024) Film Review – Better The Devil You Know

Thine Ears Shall Bleed is a 2024 American period horror, written and directed by Ben Bigelow, with additional writing from William Bigelow. Previously working…