Resurfaced from the depths of the 80’s, Devil Story is an idyllic pick for 2021 Fantastic Fest, courtesy of the good folks at Vinegar Syndrome. A showcase of inept filmmaking, the utter mess of a film will certainly delight fans of trash cinema. Essentially,  Devil Story is a particularly special type of polished disaster, clawing

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If you ask a casual movie goer to list some classic horror films, a large majority of them will mention Halloween, Friday the 13th, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. One thing that these three films have in common is the fact that they fall into the ardently adored slasher sub-genre. You might even argue that

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When I watch a horror movie from the 80’s, I inevitably have the thought of “how the hell did this movie get made?” Don’t get me wrong, there are some genuinely amazing horror films that came out of the 80’s that are stone cold classics.  John Carpenter’s The Thing is one of my all time

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Hell Night Film Review

Being mostly an American tradition, fraternities seem to be full of real life horror stories due to the harsh hazing rituals regularly to new pledges. These organisations seem to be a popular setting in the horror genre, providing some organic reasoning for the inclusion of copious amounts of drink, drugs and sex as prominent in

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X-Ray Horror Film Review 1981

*This is a guest article from Weirdling Wolf for the Grimoire of Horror! X-Ray has proven to be another welcome resurrection of a long-neglected slasher, helmed by genre polymath Boaz Davison; a sterling filmmaker who has been attached to many action/exploitation titles I have considerable fondness for. About ten years ago, I watched a poor VHS

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Pledge Night composite

With Covid restrictions lifting and vaccinations become more widespread, the idea of actually being able to communicate with other humans in the same room as you is becoming a reality again (terrifying of a concept as that may be). This has opened up a whole avenue of activities that simply were not possible during lockdown.

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Nowadays, it is hard to find a person among horror buffs or moviegoers in general who has never heard of the title Fright Night (however, I am afraid that there would be a few die-hard Twilight fans). In most cases, people recognise the phrase either as “that old horror film from the 1980s” which gained

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After a series of sexually violent crimes strikes terror into a small town, a doctor becomes to suspect that the source may be something beyond human understanding. The first lead comes when a young man confesses he is the one to blame for the crimes. However, his belief that his dreams are the source of

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