“Fright-Rags is an American company known for releasing apparel based on horror films and other horror-related media. The company was founded in 2003 by Ben Scrivens, and is based in Rochester, New York.” You can check out our recent interview with Ben, where we talked about Fright Rags and horror cinema. In addition, make sure

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Check out our newest interview with James Cilano and Alex DiVincenzo, the masterminds behind Witter Entertainment and Broke Horror Fan. They have been hard at work releasing beloved classics as well as new fan favorite horror films on VHS. We were delighted to get a chance to speak to them about the love of VHS,

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Uncle Peckerhead review

The Grimoire of Horror is proud to present our first foray into video content with an interview with director Matthew John Lawrence and actor David Littleton  of the punk rock indie horror Uncle Peckerhead (2020). This instant cult hit is easily available for VOD on digital streaming services from Amazon Prime to Tubi. Our review

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