Rage is a 2020 South African folk horror film, originally released as a Showmax original, directed by Jaco Bouwer. It follows five teenagers who have landed in a small coastal town for a huge rave called Rage. What starts as a drug and booze-filled romp turns into a nightmare-fueled battle for survival as they find
Tag: South African Horror
In 1967, four South African Republican Intelligence Agents respond to a mysterious object crash landing on a farm, playing out to offer South Africa’s first found footage horror movie. They expect to find a Russian satellite of some description that could net a CIA payday. What they find instead as they head out with a
Nothing beats a sensational death game, watching an otherwise ordinary group struggle with the horrific scenario of having to kill to stay alive – all kinds of dilemmas ensuing to typical morality. The formula acts as an ideal way to tap into the primal imperative of surviving, and provokes the worst in people as they