Deadgirl (2008) is an American extreme horror film written by Trent Haaga and directed by Marcel Sarmiento and Gadi Harel. Beginning his directing career with It’s Better to Be Wanted for Murder Than Not to Be Wanted at All (2003), Marcel went on to direct multiple feature-length titles as well as worked on the anthology

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Johnny Z is a 2023 horror-action feature film directed by Jonathan Straiton. In a world overrun by zombies, an evil corporation profits off of the bitten with a serum that requires weekly treatments to keep them human. A half-human, half-zombie experiment subject escapes the facility and finds himself under the protection of a martial arts

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Due to the oversaturation of the genre, you are bound to come across many zombie films you know nothing about beyond containing some form of undead. Sadly, these entries in the genre are often marked by a mundanity or a quick turn of the buck (much like ‘shark’ films) where creativity and ingenuity seem absent.

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While zombies have traditionally been mostly influenced by Western culture, the zombie sub-genre has been getting a resurgence these past few years thanks to South Korea. Zombies are some of the most beloved monsters of horror cinema, from the early George Romero films that started with Night of the Living Dead in 1968 to the

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Savageland, Camera film

The found-footage subgenre of horror is probably the most threadbare of its kind. The cinematic possibilities and the amount of legroom where a creative might pull a stunt out of it are unquestionably finite. That is because the “found footage” conceit itself is the “stunt” that is supposed to manifest only once in a while

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Undertaker Film Review

While zombie flicks are a dime a dozen here in the West, the walking dead don’t really occupy the same space in Japanese horror. Not to say that there have not been phenomenal films and stand-out manga, yet, even when the titles do stand out it is often because of a very distinct, culturally different

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