The Wheel of Heaven is a 2022 American sci-fi /dark comedy, written and directed by Joe Baddon with additional writing from Jason Kruppa. Joe is most known as the writer/director of the films The God Inside My Ear (2017), Sister Tempest (2020), and the short prologue to The Wheel of Heaven, Blood of the Dinosaurs

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With that title, that font, and that poster, I don’t think there’s any doubt of where this film was going to go. Yes, it is indeed a tongue-in-cheek slasher based in the 1980s, just as you probably expected. It’s the 2020s so for whatever reason that means the 80s is now the hottest property for some

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“Snoop Dogg’s least favourite film” – IMDB August Underground’s Mordum is a 2003 American found-footage extreme horror film, written and directed by Jerami Cruise, Killjoy, Michael Todd Schneider, Fred Vogel, and Cristie Whiles. The film is the second entry in the notorious August Underground trilogy, also consisting of August Underground (2001), and the final film

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Johnny Z is a 2023 horror-action feature film directed by Jonathan Straiton. In a world overrun by zombies, an evil corporation profits off of the bitten with a serum that requires weekly treatments to keep them human. A half-human, half-zombie experiment subject escapes the facility and finds himself under the protection of a martial arts

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Director Nicholas Wagner’s Shelter for the Bloodstained Soul is a slightly bizarre and remarkably verbose horror that attempts to subvert the Judeo-Christian narrative of cult worship. This particular cult has a quiet start, seemingly beginning when junkie and country singer Harvey meets the creepiest hitchhiker on earth, Addison Montclair. She inexplicably invites this stranger to

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Pig Killer (2023)

Pig Killer is a 2022 American horror thriller, written and directed by Chad Ferrin. The film is a retelling of one of Canada’s most prolific serial killers, Robert William “Willy” Pickton, who is believed to have confessed to killing over 49 women (although Pickton was only convicted for 6 of those, considered second-degree murder) from

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Treasure of the Ninja cover photo.jpg

Treasure of the Ninja is a 1987 American kung-fu action thriller, written/directed/starring William Lee. Lee is well-known for his thirty-something years in independent filmmaking, well versed in the trials and tribulations of working in the face of adversity. In the country of Ranga, Dr. Melissa Stewart and her colleague, Rodger, are in search of the legendary Treasure of

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Caged Heat 1974 Cover Photo

Caged Heat is a 1974 American women-in-prison exploitation film, written and directed by Jonathan Demme and released under Roger Corman’s New World Pictures. Though the film would be his directorial debut, Demme had already helped produce two other women in prison films for the company. Nevertheless, Corman was uneasy about providing the budget, believing the genre

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Quite place 2 film review

Continuing on directly from the end of the first movie, after a quick Day 1 prologue showing off the initial stages of the invasion, A Quiet Place Part 2 follows the surviving family members as they escape their compromised safe haven taking a way to fight back against the monsters with them. The quality has

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