Silent Hill is certainly one of the most beloved survival horror series to come out of Japan, with dedicated fans from all over the world falling in love with its oppressive atmosphere and palpable body horror. Although it has been a long time since fans have had a new game to the series, we decided

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Mannequin Silent Hill Monster

Hello peeps, I am William Gelineau and today writing for GOH! Here I will rank and list my favourite exclusive monsters appearing in Silent Hill and Silent Hill Revelations, film adaptations of Konami’s psychological horror franchise. While we’re all familiar with the quaint little town of Silent Hill and even more so the monsters that

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Best Fog and Mist in Horror

What exactly is fog and mist you may ask? Certainly we see it, but can we really touch it? I am not sure, but defines fog as a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water droplets or ice crystals near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility. Mist,  on the other hand, is

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The absence of sound derives from the cold but shallow environment. The chimes of eloquence toll in as the fog begins to settle. A piano, softly played but reminisced throughout the melody; ambience paints the background for the renowned and beloved Akira Yamaoka, a video game composer who contributes his talents largely to the world

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Silent Hill Arrival Sign

Silent Hill is potentially coming for 2020. An industry insider has disclosed an upcoming announcement for Silent Hill at a future convention we cannot legally mention, which may or may not involve Kojima’s shock return. In the event this does not proceed as foreseen, our private sources reveal it may indicate the plan of a

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Here are four Japanese franchises of survival horror games demonstrating their extraordinary talent at crafting atmosphere, each one establishing a significant legacy for cult followings. Besides mastery in constructing and elaborate lore to push an engaging background, the development teams twisted traditional rituals and manipulation of occult practices as maladapted folklore. Additionally, they utilized every

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