Daemon Manx

Hey  Mike Flanagan, we’ve found your next big project! New indie horror authors are crawling out of the woodwork every week, and just like indie films, their products are hit and miss. It doesn’t matter how many stars they get; in a post-pandemic world, there is a reader/viewer for everyone. Occasionally, though, a real star

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With that title, that font, and that poster, I don’t think there’s any doubt of where this film was going to go. Yes, it is indeed a tongue-in-cheek slasher based in the 1980s, just as you probably expected. It’s the 2020s so for whatever reason that means the 80s is now the hottest property for some

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A post-apocalyptic, 80’s nostalgia, comedy creature feature for the Stranger Things era! **Minor spoilers follow** If TV series such as Stranger Things and that one episode of Black Mirror has given rise to anything, it’s something we might call ’80sploitation’ (this must already be a valid subgenre and concept, given that Microsoft recognizes it as a

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One of Netflix’s most popular original series builds the action, leans into horror, and sets up the final, fifth season! **This review contains spoilers** “What have you done?”   Full disclosure: I’ve never been a huge fan of this series. I’ve always liked it, but never loved it. Maybe it’s because I was born in

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