Mermaid Forest is a captivating anime OVA that was first released in 1991, adapted from Rumiko Takahashi’s manga of the same name. Directed by Takaya Mizutani and produced by Pierrot, this dark fantasy anime weaves a tale of immortality, curses, and the mysterious world of mermaids. The anime was followed by a sequel, Mermaid’s Scar

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In the realm of anime, one genre stands out for its ability to transport viewers to otherworldly realms and delve into the unknown—the supernatural genre. From ghostly encounters to battles with demons, supernatural anime offers a captivating blend of mysticism, horror, and the fantastical. With its rich storytelling, stunning visuals, and thought-provoking themes, supernatural anime

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If someone from ten years ago told me that I would one day be able to find Junji Ito merchandise at even some of the biggest chain stores, I might not have believed them. Even now, I’m astounded each time I enter my car and see the Tomie air freshener that my niece got me.

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Akira 1988

Akira (1988) is a classic film, no doubt, as a cyberpunk adventure set in a decaying Tokyo, no different from the dystopian lifestyle of Neon Genesis Evangelion in which the traumatic circumstances have parallels. Corruption, terrorism, and crime are rife – safety is a negligible concern in the downtrodden society of casual indifference. The film

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Crimson Climax is a three-part erotic yuri horror drama based on the Adult visual novel game Hotaruko by Tiger Man Project. The anime was directed by Daiitiya Otosime and Katsuma Kanazawa and released by Green Bunny and Kitty Media, who are both synonymous with adult-oriented entertainment. Although Otosime only has this credit to his name,

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Highschool of the Dead Cover Photo

There are a number of different things that can separate anime fans in their enjoyment of the medium; sub or dub, manga or anime or the go-to for any DBZ fanatic – Can they beat Goku? However, one thing that certainly divides the community is the inclusion of excessive fan service. Though the name would

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Every generation has a movie or TV show that collectively traumatized it. Whether it was Tommy Lee Wallace’s It adaptation, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Cory in The House, we keep close to our hearts the fear these pieces of cinematic art inspired in us. Manga and anime are not an exception of this phenomenon.

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Sometimes love makes you crazy, and sometimes makes you want to stab someone right in the middle of their chest. Just as the Japanese term defines it, a “yandere” is a mix between being lovesick and insane in equal parts. This juxtaposition usually leads to abnormal behavior, violence, and, in some cases, mess around with

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In 2015, someone posted on 4chan asking a simple question: “What’s the most ***** up thing you have seen on the Deep Web?” Skipping all the explanations why this question exudes naivety and inaccuracy on all things ‘Deep Web’, one reply stood out. Someone allegedly said to have seen something that really messed them up.

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Body Horror Anime of the 80s & 90s Cover Photo

When it comes to horror subgenres, body horror is, by far, the most impressive visually – the loss of bodily autonomy in the most horrendous and intimate way. As such, this element is incredibly strenuous to effectively pull off in live-action cinema, usually requiring both a large budget and tremendously skilled special effects teams to

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