Kuon, developed by FromSoftware, is an atmospheric survival horror game released for the PlayStation 2 in 2004. Set in the Heian period of Japan, the game presents a gripping, eerie narrative revolving around ancient rituals, cursed mansions, and the supernatural. The story is primarily told through the perspectives of Utsuki and Sakuya, two women entangled

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Born in 1946, Hideshi Hino stands out as a prominent Japanese horror artist, dedicating the majority of his life to conjuring various nightmares for his audience. Regrettably, in the Western world, his name is frequently associated only with the widely recognized Guinea Pig installments: “Flower of Flesh and Blood” and “Mermaid in the Manhole.” Although

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If you ask a Western horror fan, they can probably tell you exactly when they first heard about Hideo Nakata’s cult classic Ringu (1998). Whether it was due to the release of Gore Verbinski’s remake in 2002 or because a rundown copy of the original was passed along between friends, at some point almost all

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Leon Tolstoy once wrote, “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” While tragic, this notion works wonders in the horror and thriller genre. In fiction, the messier the family, the better the movie. It might not always succeed, but it certainly does in Toshikazu Nagae’s film Saiko! The

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Here at Yurei, we have brought the search for Saki Sanobashi to our audience’s attention many times. Unfortunately, until now, it hasn’t been productive at all. We have discussed how the urban legend started and how some supposed leads don’t lead anywhere, but we have never been even close to the real deal… Until now.

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In the early 2000s, anime experienced a surge in popularity among Western audiences, marking a peculiar time for anime fans. However, as this unique form of animation gained mainstream attention, it also found itself under the scrutiny of moral panic enthusiasts. One particular target of this concern was the popular card game Yu-Gi-Oh. In 2003,

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GOHOME 2020 video game suzuka ichimatsu

Several years ago, a small Japanese third-person horror game known as GOHOME started to make waves in the Let’s Play YouTube community. Created by the VTuber known as Itimatu Ichimatsu as a free game in 2019 to much acclaim and redesigned into a much grander scale in 2020, the story is set in a residential

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Hi fellow weirdos! Javi here again with another curious Japanese videogame of the early 90s. For those familiar with the fantastically oneiric LSD: Dream Emulator game, the Osamu Sato name may ring a bell. Born in 1960, this digital artist and composer have a knack for creating, both visual and musical psychedelic aesthetics. One of

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Hi fellow weirdos! This is Javi again, researching for you to bring you another interesting bit of Japanese media. We have previously discussed the term “Denpa,” which, according to Jisho.org, is a Japanese term for individuals who are disconnected or disassociated from the people around them. In the world of Visual Novels, Denpa serves as

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