Alpha The Killer Sloth Is The Next Creature Feature Superstar (This is an absurd review of an absurd movie, and may or may not contain true facts. If you enjoyed Scream Queens, you’ll like this one. Watch Slotherhouse for yourself, because “why the hell not?”. ) Emily Young, a senior, wants to be elected as

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And you thought your family was bad. Daniel Powell (Joel David Moore) is a sweet, gentle aspiring chef who has just become engaged to his lovely girlfriend Emily (Chantel Riley). All he wants now is to get his estranged family together in one place to introduce Emily and invite them to the wedding, but there’s

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White Noise 2022

  Life is a Train Wreck In the final days of 2022, most of us were looking toward 2023 with hearts full of hope, and faith that the moment those glittery balls dropped around the world, we would finally be free of the hellscape our lives have become. The new year couldn’t possibly be as

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Exclusive Interview with Emily Hagins, Sorry About the Demon (2022) Shudder and Paper Street Pictures have teamed up with writer/director Emily Hagins again in Sorry About the Demon (2022), a comedy horror about a 27-year-old “loser” with a broken heart who is not afraid of things that go bump in the night. With some over-the-top

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Horror Comedy Levels

 Comedy Horror From the Bottom Shelf Horror Comedy is the beloved sub-genre that brings to mind everything from self-aware zombies to murderous inanimate objects, and the volume of films in the category is substantial. From big-budget blockbusters to movies you’d swear were filmed using an old 80s elementary school AV cart, the popularity of horror-comedy

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2LDK 2003 Movie Review

Having a roommate can be hard. Whether it’s disrespect of the kitchen cleaning rules or failing to remember how thin the average bedroom wall is, living with another person is often a frustrating and filthy experience. Yuhiko Tsutsumi’s outrageous black horror comedy 2LDK (2003) follows two aspiring actresses: the demure, virginal Nozomi and party girl

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Red Snow banner

Red Snow is the Christmas/vampire/comedy horror film you’ll be adding to your must-watch list this holiday season. Writer/director Sean Nichols Lynch always wanted to make a vampire movie but was determined to bring something new to the subgenre, a difficult feat for a subject matter that has been portrayed in every imaginable way a thousand

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A mysterious envelope promising an anonymous sexual encounter tempts a Hollywood agent weeks before his marriage, and following through on it throws his life off the rails in ways that have a wider implication than just for his relationship. Where this envelope came from, and who else has gotten them? The answer is bigger than

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“Czech Karel Kopfrkingl enjoys his job at a crematorium in the late 1930s. He likes reading the Tibetan book of the dead, and espouses the view that cremation relieves earthly suffering. At a reception, he meets Reineke, with whom he fought for Austria in the first World War. Reineke convinces Kopfrkingl to emphasize his supposedly

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