White Noise 2022

  Life is a Train Wreck In the final days of 2022, most of us were looking toward 2023 with hearts full of hope, and faith that the moment those glittery balls dropped around the world, we would finally be free of the hellscape our lives have become. The new year couldn’t possibly be as

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Agnes Film Review

When I saw the poster for Agnes, I was really hoping it was going to be a Nunspolitation film, because man, those need to make a comeback. Spoiler, it isn’t nunsploitation. Anges is a story about a nun who lives in a very secluded convent that starts having violent outbursts leading her sisters to believe

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Though I am not really one to discredit an entire nation’s cinema, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who will state that Ukraine is a powerhouse of film. Additionally, notable genre films from that region are virtually non-existent. So, when I found out about a Lovecraftian horror film from Ukraine that had some

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