Here for Blood 2022

Here for Blood (2022) truly lives up to its name, catering to those with an insatiable appetite for wicked and outrageous carnage. Yet, beneath this tongue-in-cheek horror, resides a familiar trope that functions so effectively, that it will compel you to reconsider your love-and-hate affinity for campy horror productions. Director Daniel Turres undoubtedly possesses the

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One of the crowning glories of the horror film genre is how much can be done with so little. From budget to effects to characters, indie horror films prove time and time again that ingenuity and vision make for great fright, not a crowded screen and a high budget (although it can be magic when

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Cocaine Bear is a 2023 American comedy thriller, written by Jimmy Warden and directed by Elizabeth Banks. The film is based on the true story of a drug dealer’s plane crashing in the Georgian forest in 1985, a large amount of cocaine, and an unfortunate 200-pound black bear that found the illicit package – ultimately

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  After File 01 went off with a bang, Koji Shiraishi’s Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! File 02: Shivering Ghost (2012) tries something different and turns out unexpectedly good. The first episode of the mockumentary series didn’t disappoint in serving Koji’s found footage brands and Japanese myth goodness, showing how his knack for storytelling and genre

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The Waiting

Take a group of unhappy people, add a ghost, and plenty of bad life advice, and the result may look something like F. C. Rabbath’s 2020 film, The Waiting. Billed as a horror romantic comedy, The Waiting tries to be many things yet masters of none.  Eric Brady, a new hotel employee, stumbles upon an

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Koji Shiraishi proves his sincerity and devotion to the found footage subgenre in his 2012 low-budget mockumentary Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! File 01 – Operation Capture the Slit-Mouthed Woman. While it’s beyond question that Shiraishi has made an indelible impression on the horror subgenre with his immortal Noroi: The Curse (2005), his undermined respect for

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Aspiring millennials and their first-world problems are inherently absurd, particularly when their bourgeois existence is challenged, or at least that’s what Who Invited Them relies upon as it attempts to mix comedy and horror in the affluent L.A hills. Writer/director Duncan Birmingham’s first full-length feature was shown during the 2022 FrightFest, arriving on Shudder shortly

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MexZombies is a 2022 Mexican horror comedy, written by Luis Gamboa and Santiago Limón and directed by Chava Cartas. Chava is known for directing Mirreyes contra Godinez (2019), and El Dandy (2015); whereas Luis is most notable for his work in Mexican TV writing and Santiago has worked on a number of short films. When

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Day Shift Netflix

Vampires vs. The Bronx, Night Teeth, and now J. J. Perry’s Day Shift: someone over at Netflix is into the prospect of investing in vampire horror comedies of varying quality. Day Shift, for the most part, is a competent and entertaining action flick, thanks in no small part to the cast. Jamie Foxx has shown

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powertool cheerleaders

Musicals are my thing, they have been for as long as I can recall enjoying cinema, there is something so inherently magical about the world breaking out in song. For fans of horror, there has been no shortage of the two genres coming together to make some wonderfully bizarre musicals, from microbudget oddities like Nudist

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