When it was announced that the Scream franchise would be returning last year, after laying dormant for 11 years, the news was met with a mixture of excitement and hesitation. It would of course be the first entry to not be helmed by the late, great Wes Craven, one of the driving forces behind the

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Cocaine Bear is a 2023 American comedy thriller, written by Jimmy Warden and directed by Elizabeth Banks. The film is based on the true story of a drug dealer’s plane crashing in the Georgian forest in 1985, a large amount of cocaine, and an unfortunate 200-pound black bear that found the illicit package – ultimately

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Day Shift Netflix

Vampires vs. The Bronx, Night Teeth, and now J. J. Perry’s Day Shift: someone over at Netflix is into the prospect of investing in vampire horror comedies of varying quality. Day Shift, for the most part, is a competent and entertaining action flick, thanks in no small part to the cast. Jamie Foxx has shown

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Prey Predator Film

It’s no secret that since the original and beloved Predator hit cinemas back in 1987, the franchise has seen a steady decline in quality, with each subsequent entry somehow managing to be less palatable than the one before. Not even IP crossovers could save it (although I’m still holding out hope for an Archie Vs

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If you’re after a movie that fits the term “cult favourite” like a glove, then look no further than 1982’s The Slumber Party Massacre. It has a brisk runtime, brimming with low-budget gore, memorably silly dialogue, and the expected amount of slasher nudity that one would expect from a Roger Corman production. Most importantly, it

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