Underlooked Horror Films featured image

With the sometimes crazy amount of horror movies that get released on both VOD and streaming, it’s really easy to miss out on some great titles even if you stay up to date with news and upcoming releases. Here at the Grimoire of Horror, we’ve compiled a list of six underrated horror films from the past

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Hereditary Explained Demonology Folklore

Hereditary shook up the horror community upon its release. The slow-burn torment of being forced to watch a family slowly go mad as tragedies are inflicted upon them, helped to sear the film into viewers’ minds. The ending, with its last-minute reveal of the antagonist, left audiences unsettled, disgusted, and mortified, having been witness to

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Nocturna featured image

In the last decade, Argentine cinema has shifted from reflecting societal issues to telling stories that are universal and appeal to a larger fanbase while still remaining daring and unconventional. “Ostende,” a slice-of-life movie with a slick, Hitchcockian ending, “White Coffin”, which gives new meaning to the term “death game” (okay, there’s also a scene

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The Blazing World Featured image

‘I have a fire in me. It doesn’t hurt me – I’m a man’ – thus begins one of the most memorable monologues of this year’s personal, wild, trippy, and sometimes a completely rambling blend of horror and fantasy: The Blazing World. Directed by Carlson Young, being a hit at this year’s Sundance Festival and

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