In today’s world of flashy graphics and CGI, audiences have become immune to fantastical horror, pushing some writers to create content to test our boundaries with the extreme. In The Moor (2023), Paul Thomas and director Chris Cronin take us in the opposite direction, back to a place where our hindbrains are triggered to watch

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The Group, a 2022 film written and directed by William Higo, is a compelling and thought-provoking horror/drama that delves deep into the complexities of addiction, loyalty, and the consequences of betrayal. Set against a backdrop of shifting alliances and hidden secrets, the film weaves a gripping narrative that keeps audiences on the edge of their

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An unassuming seaside town in southern England is thwacked, whomped, and clobbered by the resurgence of an enigmatic, squeaky-voiced, no-nonsense killer who brandishes a club to brutally execute his victims. Mr. Punch sends his regards. Punch (2023) is a new assault on the senses from prominent horror director Andy Edwards (Ibiza Undead, Midnight Peepshow), in

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The Latent Image is a 2022 British gay horror mystery, written and directed by Alexander McGregor Birrell with additional writing from the film’s main star, Joshua Tonks. Beginning his career in 2010, Alexander began directing the feature-length sci-fi horror Braincell (2010) and has since directed a number of short films. Whereas the film’s writer/main star

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Burial 2022 FrightFest

Burial is a 2022 English World War two thriller, written and directed by Ben Parker. Making his debut in 2011 with the action horror short Shifter, Ben produced his first feature-length film with the 2016 horror thriller The Chamber – with Burial being his third outing as writer/director. Set in the last days of World

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Dog Soldiers Film Review

Plenty of film enthusiasm is oriented toward the Universal Monsters; from Dracula to the Invisible Man, these otherworldly creatures bear diverse frights that reflect man’s primal fears or the horrors of being humans. This innate profundity from the monster films allowed us to connect with them. And with our yearning for them, the devils fueled

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God's Petting You Review

Heroin addict Charlie (George Webster) has been going to group therapy, though secretly showing up just to meet with his dealer. When a young woman joins the therapy session Charlie finds himself explicitly drawn to her, but as they get to know each other better he finds out she is a sex addict, leading the

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When Paul’s chance of winning a national talent competition are ruined & his dreams of fame slashed, he plans a deathly revenge mission. 1 lunch break, 5 spectacular murders. Will the sparkly-suited Paul pull it off, stay one step ahead of the cops and find the fame he’s always longed for? Paul Dood’s Deadly Lunchbreak

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Seagull (2019) is an oddball revenge story centred on family drama, secrets, and spite. After 8 years of eking out survival on a beach, Rose returns home and the full story of why she lived outside of society for that long is going to cause chaos for a family living with a fair few secrets.

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The rise of a religious cult takes a turn for the apocalyptic, and it’s down to David to try and get his vulnerable dad to safety. However, with advanced dementia complicating an already overwhelming disaster, David may not be able to save his father from the growing zombie horde. A country manor in the middle

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