In the tradition of pseudo-local-TV broadcasts like Ghostwatch and WNUF Halloween Special, homegrown horror heads to N.Ireland in Dominic O’Neill’s Haunted Ulster Live. Set in 1998, TV newscaster Gerry Burns teams up with an aspiring children’s broadcaster to offer viewers a spooky Halloween special for the local network. They investigate a haunting at home, and

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Do Not Watch is a 2023 American found footage horror film, written by Ryan Toyama and directed by Justin Janowitz. Ryan has spent most of his writing career working on TV shows such as Splash and Bubbles (2017-18) and Chuggington (2020-21) with Do Not Watch being his first feature-length title. Justin is mostly known as

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Look-Loo film review

Almost entirely free of dialogue, Looky-loo (2024) gives viewers the view from a killer’s own eyes as he stalks and plans multiple murders. The nameless killer, gains confidence with each successful murder, finding more violent and extreme ways to take out his victims. Yet, the more bravado he has, the closer he comes to being

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Hailing from a dead-end suburban neighborhood in Northern Illinois, a group of friends have taken to idolizing the show Jackass and are eager to make their own version; calling it “Flesh Games.” Centered around friends Jordan Acosta and Mike Miller (both character names and actors), alongside others, the duo spend their days orchestrating all sorts

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If you think you have seen all the found footage films out there, you are wrong. Sometimes, these films can get quite monotonous due to the repetitive use of cameras. However, some innovative storytellers come up with new perspectives that we have never seen before. Nias (2024), a directorial debut by Baptiste Rambaud, is a

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Blush Comic

This touching short story about two boys falling in love amidst carnage is both beautifully written and rendered with real creativity. Created, written, and illustrated by Lorry Jamison, Blush is the second installment of the Nightshade series from Kraven Comics, an anthology of young adult LGBTQ+ horror comics.  Towing the line admirably between teenage romcom

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What sorts of things go bump in the night? What monstrous things come to feast upon your flesh and bone? Are they real or imagined, and in the end does it really matter? Jeani Rector and Dean H. Wild bring us an exciting anthology of horror stories, featuring both tried and true masters of the

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The Abandoned (2006)

The Abandoned is a 2006 horror thriller, written and directed by Nacho Cerdá with additional writing from Karim Hussain and Richard Stanley. Mostly known as a director of shorts and documentaries, The film is the only feature-length title written and directed by the Spanish filmmaker. Karim is most notable as a cinematographer, working on such

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The best science fiction is always built upon interesting ideas, and the best horror lives and dies with its ability to scare or unsettle. Possessor (2020), against both measures, is a fantastic piece of modern sci-fi horror! Directed by Brandon Cronenberg, Possessor (2020) is set within a slick Ballardian near-future, where corporations have moved on

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