She Kills is a 2016 American action horror film, written and directed by Ron Bonk. Boasting a huge filmography as an executive producer, Ron is known as the proprietor of SRS Cinema, a film production company based in New York, notable for funding and producing hundreds of low-budget horror films such as Ed Gein: The

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The Sergio Blasco Gore Collection is an anthology of four extreme splatter films all created by the Spanish director – Including Burrp (1996), Mas Carnaza (1997), Plano Detalle (2008), and Litio (2014). This compendium is an exclusive release to Italian extreme distributors Goredrome Pictures and TetroVideo, including the first-ever release of Plano Detalle (2008). Burrp

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Tapes of Death Collection

Tapes of Death Collection is an assemblage of gore/extreme horror short films compiled into four separate anthology films—Nekrology, Dark Mixtape, Snuff Video, and Tapes of Death—created by Tony Newton. Tony is a well-known British film producer, director, and screenwriter, known for Grindsploitation: The Movie, 60 Seconds to Die, and 60 Seconds 2 Die, as well

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