At Grimoire of Horror, we want to celebrate both Women in Horror Month and International Women’s Day by celebrating female trailblazers within horror who are paving the way for women to have autonomy, both as creatives within the industry, and as characters within film! The goal of initiatives such as Women in Horror Month and

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The Grimoire of Horror’s Recommended Reading List for Women in Horror Month While many in the literary community are still celebrating Women in Horror Month in February, we at the Grimoire of Horror have chosen to  join the newer movement which has bumped the event to March in deference to Black History Month. We are

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Women in Horror

Conversations With Three Influential Women in Horror While many in the horror community celebrate Women in Horror Month in February, the Grimoire of Horror is choosing to observe the celebration in conjunction with Women’s History Month in March. Beginning in February 2023, we will be honouring Black Horror Authors during Black History Month as a

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Ax Wound Film Festival Banner

The Ax Wound Film Festival is a horror fest featuring works by female and non-binary filmmakers. In December 2021, with the help of the Future Of Film Is Female initiative, they showcased a collection of ten short films from 2021 Alumni (the collection is still available to rent here). From the quality of these shorts

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