UFO Sweden Toronto After Dark Film Festival 2023

To believe is one thing. To know is something completely different. UFO Sweden (2022) is the emotionally driven sci-fi thriller that every fan of The X-Files needs to see. Don’t let the title throw you; there are no tiny green men or cliche flying saucers in this film. Instead, director Victor Danell and co-writer Jimmy

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Toronto After Dark 2023 Canadian shorts

In addition to those that played ahead of the main features, the Toronto After Dark Film Festival screened eight more Canadian shorts in a dedicated showcase. From rotoscope animation to avian abduction, these films cover a variety of genres, subgenres, and tones. Some are pure horror; others offer no scares at all. Here are our

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Toronto After Dark 2023 International shorts

The international shorts on offer at this year’s Toronto After Dark Film Festival are among the strongest of the entire lineup. From a bizarre reunion with a lost family member to a futuristic Thai cyberpunk dystopia, these films comprise a dark, unconventional, and undeniably memorable experience. Here are our thoughts on the International Shorts Showcase.

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Toronto After Dark 2023 Canadian shorts

Alongside their dedicated Shorts Showcase (both Canadian and International), the Toronto After Dark Film Festival offers bitesize extras for those attending. Each of the main features is preceded by a short film, resulting in a bevy of horror and comedy in equal measure. Here are our thoughts on those ten extra shorts. Contents: *666 Black

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In the not-so-distant future, death is a choice for some.  Robert Holz’s first feature-length film, Restore Point (2023), is a masterpiece, brilliantly capturing the dystopian future that we all fear we are headed toward in a story that feels realistic. While the film is focused on a technological breakthrough that allows humans to reboot themselves

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