UFO Sweden Toronto After Dark Film Festival 2023

To believe is one thing. To know is something completely different. UFO Sweden (2022) is the emotionally driven sci-fi thriller that every fan of The X-Files needs to see. Don’t let the title throw you; there are no tiny green men or cliche flying saucers in this film. Instead, director Victor Danell and co-writer Jimmy

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Rave 2020 aka Svartklubb

Rave (Svartklubb) is a 2020 Swedish body horror film written and directed by Nils Alatalo in his first feature-length debut after graduating from film school. The film stars Isabelle Grill from the hit transcendental folk horror Midsommar (2019) as well as Tuva Jagell from the 2015 drama Girls Lost. The local underground club is shutting

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Do something for me first, before you start reading. Put on the soundtrack to Transistor – the developers, Supergiant Games kindly uploaded it for you to listen to. I’m sat here typing this article now with the music playing. Take the time and get into the mood for a world ending… Something else. If you

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