“Haunted by the war in Iraq, a depressed and faithless Gabriel is approached by the mysterious Balthazar, who recruits Gabriel to stop the evil Archangel Michael from raising an army of the dead to take over the world. With the help of his old platoon, Gabriel sets off to find the Warriors of Peace, their

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In the not-so-distant future, death is a choice for some.  Robert Holz’s first feature-length film, Restore Point (2023), is a masterpiece, brilliantly capturing the dystopian future that we all fear we are headed toward in a story that feels realistic. While the film is focused on a technological breakthrough that allows humans to reboot themselves

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Brandon Lutz is a screenwriter at Rogue Raven and the comic for Ascension is only one part of a much wider plan. He has worked on his development of a new Intellectual Property for several years and aims to create a highly successful television series. Early in his career, Brandon studied game design at the

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