As an aficionado of the dark side of cinema, I am constantly seeking out new films. While on my journey I come across lists featuring the worlds most extreme and disturbing cinema. While a few unknown gems pop up from time, to time it’s usually made up of the same 10 or 20 films, Salo, Irreversible, A Serbian Film, the August Underground Trilogy, Martyrs etc. Here are 10 titles that are seldom mentioned and deserve more attention. 

Life and Death of a Porno Gang (2009) by Mladen Djordjevic 

This is a film that was released around the same time as A Serbian Film and was completely over shadowed by it. Life and Death of a Porno Gang is a wild ride and had it been released a few years before or after A Serbian Film I think it gotten far more attention.

Debris Documentar (2012) by Marian Dora 

While this one isn’t completely unknown it doesn’t seem to get mentioned as much as other films in Marian Dora’s Filmography (Cannibal, The Angels’ Melancholia). Debris Documentar is borderline unwatchable, labeling it as gross and disgusting is an understatement. If you’re not familiar with Dora’s work, he is in my opinion the king of extreme and disturbing. If you have any interest in the types of films, he is the one ‘can’t miss’ director you should be seeking out.

Paris Lockdown (2007) by Frédéric Schoendoerffer 

Some how this movie slipped through the cracks. It might come across as a typical crime thriller, but Paris Lockdown is oh so much more. Nihilistic, brutal and featuring extreme acts of violence like bloody shoot outs, torture and sexual assault. In my opinion this film deserves a spot on everyone’s New French Extremity list alongside movie like Martyrs, Frontiers and Irreversible.

The Whispering of the Gods (2005) by Tatsushi Ohmori 

A rather somber film filled with abuse and sexual perversion. I’ve always been surprised by how little I’ve seen this this movie brought up over the years. Highly recommended.

Sunk into the Womb (2013) by Takaomi Ogata 

This movie basically follows two children who are left alone in an apartment unattended for a few days and forced to fend for themselves. Sunk into the Womb is an exercise in misery. And when the ending hit… I was left speechless with the feeling I just got kicked in the guts. Tough tough film to get through.

Mizo (2014) by Park Young Ju

I have two big issues with Mizo. First, there are no subtitles for this film, at least none that I’m aware of at the moment. And secondly it’s censored. The director thought by adding some digital blurring to the violence that he might have a shot at getting it into theaters. But none of this stops Mizo from being a depressing romp featuring extreme acts of violence and trash can babies. Maybe one day this will get a proper release.

Heli (2013) by Amat Escalante

From Director Amat Escalante comes a story about a young man trying to protect himself and family from a violent drug cartel. Not the most extreme on this list but there are a number of violent scene scenes that caused quite a stir on the festival circuit when Heli made the rounds. Some Escanlante’s other films are are also worth checking out.

Prostitute Killers (2000) by Lok Ho

If you’re a Cat III fan who has been scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for that diamond in the rough. If you haven’t seen Prostitute Killers, then drop what you’re doing and check this one out ASAP. This movie deserves to be mentioned alongside classics like Red To Kill, Dr Lamb, The Ebola Syndrome, etc. Featuring all the sleazy hallmarks that made Cat III films so great. Lots of sex, violence, and even a little ne***philia. A truly overlooked gem that deserves a little more attention.

I am Trash (2014) by Sang Woo Lee

If Marian Dora is the king of extreme films, Sang Woo Lee is a very close second. Lee’s films might not feature the gore and violence of Dora’s movies, but are every bit as vile and repulsive. In fact I could of filled this list with his movies alone. And I Am Trash is defiantly at the top of the trash heap (pun intended). This is the third film in his Family Trilogy (Mother is a Whore, Father is a Dog) and he saved the best for last. I Am Trash is a dirty filthy piece of cinema and I loved every minute of it.

Colonel Panics (2016) by Cho Jinseok 

Advertised as Cyberpunk Exploitation, Colonel Panics is a bit light on Cyberpunk but fully delivers on the exploitation. Bloody violence with scenes and shots influenced heavily by Gaspar Noe. Including homage to Irreversible that’ll leave sickos like myself in utter bliss. Maybe it’s not the greatest movie ever conceived, but it’s a film that in my opinion deserves to be on any hardcore film fans list.

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