In the early 2000s, anime experienced a surge in popularity among Western audiences, marking a peculiar time for anime fans. However, as this unique form of animation gained mainstream attention, it also found itself under the scrutiny of moral panic enthusiasts. One particular target of this concern was the popular card game Yu-Gi-Oh. In 2003,
Tag: Deep Dive
It has been over a year since we last discussed Saki Sanobashi, also known as “Go for a Punch,” the alleged lost ero guro anime. Given the high likelihood of this media piece being nothing more than a hoax from the very beginning, it’s not surprising that no substantial leads have emerged since the original
Imagine a scenario involving a casual sexual encounter. You are out at a club, have a few drinks, and meet an attractive companion. Excitement and inebriation cause a momentary lapse in judgment, and you engage in unprotected intercourse. Days, weeks, even months later, you fall ill and make an appointment to see your family physician.
Fan Man-yee was a young adult who suffered unspeakable horrors, horrors that to this day, the world is still unsure of what transpired. A lonely figure who became a victim of the darkness that plagues the underbelly of the contemporary world. Her death marked a testament of the suffering that she had to endure, one