When we picture samurai warriors, images of honor, discipline, and fierce sword battles come to mind. However, there is a hidden and often overlooked aspect of samurai culture that was both peculiar and, at times, downright vulgar. Prepare to delve into the obscure world of ancient samurai fart battles, where warriors engaged in bizarre contests

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Imagine a scenario involving a casual sexual encounter. You are out at a club, have a few drinks, and meet an attractive companion. Excitement and inebriation cause a momentary lapse in judgment, and you engage in unprotected intercourse. Days, weeks, even months later, you fall ill and make an appointment to see your family physician.

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Horror Anime Music featured image

With the release of the new ‘Cowboy Bebop‘ live-action show, and a new Yoko Kanno soundtrack, perhaps it’s time to look at one aspect of anime that is often neglected: the music, and the way it is used by anime creators to tell the story. Why did that show choose that exact OP or ED

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Born in 1839, Yoshitoshi’s career spanned the transitional period between the Edo and Meiji eras. This was a time of great tumult, as the breakdown of the Tokugawa shogunate led to the increasing modernization and Westernization in Japan, and the traditional art of woodblock printing was fast losing favour, leaving Yoshitoshi as one of its

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