Nocturna featured image

In the last decade, Argentine cinema has shifted from reflecting societal issues to telling stories that are universal and appeal to a larger fanbase while still remaining daring and unconventional. “Ostende,” a slice-of-life movie with a slick, Hitchcockian ending, “White Coffin”, which gives new meaning to the term “death game” (okay, there’s also a scene

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The Night Belongs to Monsters (2021) - Argentinian Teen Outsider Drama With A Supernatural Edge

Forced to move when her mother gets a new job, a teenager called Sol has to face dangers ranging from power outages, bullies at a new school, the worrying behaviour of her mother’s boyfriend, and attacks in the night the press are reporting as a “puma”. These attacks drive the community into a frenzy that

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The Unburried Film Review

Alejandro Cohen Arazi’s debut film The Unburied, was selected as part of the 2021 FrightFest lineup. Offering up a dive into a world of the occult built up through generations of carrying out grim tasks, the production seemed an ideal deviation into extreme cinema in the stellar 2021 selection of films. What is it About?

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Anyone who’s been in a car accident understands disorientation; the lack of clarity of what just happened, the realization that time does indeed slow down, it’s not some old wife’s tale and the difficulty one has in collecting themselves after the chaos. That appears to be Cecilia’s (Moro Anghileri) problem. She’s lost, at first in

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