awakening of lilith film review

Sparked by the death of her partner Noah, Lilith is struggling with her mental health and has succumbed to a deep depression that affects all aspects of her life. Fighting through paranoia and perceived slights from those in her life, Lilith attempts to put the pieces together to try to understand the harrowing reality of

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most horrible things

“When six young strangers are invited to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – an exclusive dinner party hosted by a charming and enigmatic host on the most romantic night of the year, Valentine’s Day – they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Or so they think…Lured by the promise of romantic connections and a substantial

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“Four people intent on killing themselves meet through the suicide website Black Paradox: Maruso, a nurse who despairs about the future; Taburo, a man who is tortured by his doppelganger; Pii-tan, an engineer with his own robot clone; and Baracchi, a woman who agonizes about the birthmark on her face. They wander together in search

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Mean Spirited Film Review

Andy, A wannabe YouTuber decides to head out and visit an old friend Bryce in an attempt to find out why he abandoned their prank channel, “Mean Spirited”, when he found his own success in Hollywood. As the two stumble through trying to rekindle their relationship, the demonic force behind Bryce’s success makes itself known

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Drip Drip

Whenever Mako Higari comes in contact with something she perceives as dirty, she gets a massive nosebleed. Brought on by severe childhood trauma from her mother’s distrust of men and fear of germs, Mako grows into an adult desperate to find a partner who will not trigger her violently excessive nosebleeds. However, her obsession with

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Indonesian comic creator/artist Azam Raharjo takes a look at the cosmic evil behind a company’s quick rise as their new venture in the restaurant industry sees uncanny success. While the team members celebrate, one employee, Ferdi, becomes perturbed after a coworker points out the odd employee photo where ‘the consultant’ hovers ominously over him. Ferdi

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Writer/director and the founder and artistic director of monochrom, Johannes Grenzfurthner is one of the most unique voices in cinema today. We were lucky enough to catch both Masking Threshold and Razzennest on the festival circuit, and it was off of his recent showing of Razzennest at the 2022 Fantastic Fest line-up that we were

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After his beloved wife suddenly commits suicide, octogenarian Manuel (Zorion Eguileor) starts behaving strangely and is soon taken into the care of his son, his wife, and their daughter in hopes of adjusting to the loss. However, Manuel becomes more erratic in his behavior and starts to show an odd obsession with signals coming from

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Farley Wilder is the local peeping tom in a small New Hampshire town, where his reputation has earned him the interest of a writer, Scarlett, and together the two begin to stalk around town checking out the local inhabitants and making notes. However, there is one area of the city that is off limits, one

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A police raid uncovers a mysterious figure who refers to himself as ‘The Traveler’ (played by Efren Ramirez), and as the sole survivor of a massacre, he is brought in for questioning. As the night goes on, he warns the detectives of an impending threat headed for the police station, coming to stake their claim

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