It’s well hypothesised that the late 90s-early ’00s ‘J Horror’ boom was inspired thematically in parts by the country’s post-war advancements in technology and economic prowess that had gradually begun to stagnate by the 90s. A zeitgeist of fiscal depression and disappointment opened the door in which crept the eponymous genre, wrapping a slimy, cold

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Great Yokai War Guardians Review

There’s a funny kind of serendipity when you’re a fan commentator on popular entertainment, where you can sometimes just barely miss a critical piece of information that hits a smidge after you’ve published your piece. For example, in July of 2020, Kyle Byrd and I gave a presentation titled “Great Yokai War or GREATEST Yokai

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Suicide Circle Music

A young daughter, around four years old, watches a pop idol group cheerfully perform on tv with her father. Meanwhile in the kitchen, we see her mother dutifully preparing dinner, chopping up vegetables. The upbeat song audio continues as the daughter goes to check on dinner and ask her mother a question. The mom continues

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Takashi miike Box

Box can be called confusing, to say the least.  It is a deeply psychological drama with a sheer disturbing quality that could make it easily seen as part of the horror genre. Both the visuals and the narrative are surreal, more of a bizarre dream than a recounting The visuals are very artistic as well

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