holoX Meeting Volume 1 Manga cover

HoloX Meeting! is a two-volume comedy manga series, written by Omcurry G. K. and illustrated by Anmitsu Okada. The manga is based on COVER Corp.’s 6th generation of V-tuber talent from their Hololive branch, comprised of La+ Darkness, Chloe Sakamata, Lui Takane, Koyori Hakui, and Iroha Kazama. The manga was originally serialised in November 2022

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The Summer Hikaru Died is an ongoing horror manga (currently at 4 volumes), written and illustrated by Mokumokuren. This is the second volume of the manga to be released in the West by Yen Press. Note: This article covers Volume 2   “Yoshiki tried to pretend nothing was wrong, but the truth cannot be ignored.

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The Illustrated Guide to Monster Girls is a 4-volume, light-hearted horror/slice-of-life manga, written and illustrated by Suzu Akeko. A prolific manga creator, she has previously written and illustrated Nightmare Eater, Kori no Hanatori, and Wareware wa Uchuujin da!!, as well as worked as an artist on Inchiki Seijo to Iwareta node, Kuni wo Dete Nonbiri

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It is an undeniable fact that some horror fans also can be huge softies. We enjoy our healthy dose of gore, scares, and violence, but we are not dead inside. No matter how horrific or distorted, we can always find beauty even in the most awful creature if the situation calls for it. This is

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