The Uncanny Valley

The Uncanny Valley itself is a simple, if interesting, phenomenon. When plotted on a graph expressing how acceptable a humanlike object is, it can be demonstrated that something not at all like a human is fine and then a perfect replica is again fine… Yet there is a drastic drop off before one of these

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Fear, to be afraid, is obviously a cornerstone of horror. Yet what exactly it is is specific and possible to explore. At its simplest fear is the anticipation. The “unpleasant emotion” that comes from being threatened, or from a potential threat to others. Fear is what builds up before something actually happens, or after an

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Thalassaphobia, while not an officially recognised one under some medical manuals, comes under the umbrella heading of an environmental phobias. For all that it isn’t one of the better known or more common phobias, it can result in extreme reactions among case studies of sufferers. Flying over the ocean can trigger an episode, even just

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What do traditional Romero zombies and VHS era classic mascot slashers have in common? They’re slow, but they’re implacable. They will just keep on coming, and coming, until you make a mistake or just get unlucky, until they inevitably catch you… Now, you know where this gets cool and more than a little primal? Human

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