The horrors of war don’t just end once a solider returns, in fact one of the saddest aspects of global conflict is societies lack of post-care for soldiers. Unfortunately, heroism is only perceived as such when if fits a narrative and authorities are quick to push human suffering under the rug as soon as it

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Japanese ‘erotic grotesque nonsense’, often abbreviated to ‘ero guro’ or ‘ero guro nansensu’, is a genre of art that extends to various mediums. Consequently, the genre exists as a broad statement to capture the art that puts its focus on eroticism, sexual corruption, and decadence. The art style is not unique to Japan, but is

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Horror is a tool. A tool used by the architect in order to design a macabre landscape, layered with mountains of fear and embedded with the riverbanks of mystery. Suehiro Maruo did not appropriate the tool, nor did he simply embellish it, Maruo crafted and invigorated the art with his non-conventional understanding of the grotesque

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