Dick Dale is an Australian writer/director/producer with a strong focus on video nasties and splatter films. Dick is most notable for directing the short dark comedy Creamy Love (2001) and the upcoming splatter horror Ribspreader (2022). Excited about his upcoming release, we decided to reach out to Dick and ask him some questions we were

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When I finished watching Dave Made a Maze (2017) last year, I was in awe. (Read my review of the movie here.) So few movies involve this level of creativity and thought, which may be a strange thing to say, but I challenge you to argue the point after watching it. It’s listed as a

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Uncle Peckerhead review

The Grimoire of Horror is proud to present our first foray into video content with an interview with director Matthew John Lawrence and actor David Littleton  of the punk rock indie horror Uncle Peckerhead (2020). This instant cult hit is easily available for VOD on digital streaming services from Amazon Prime to Tubi. Our review

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